St Aidan's Art Journey
St Aidan's DT Journey
Art/ RE Week 2023
In our ART/ RE week the children have made their own representation of the Understanding Christianity Big Frieze. The children have had a wonderful week looking at the big frieze and discssing it in detail in their classes. We have been blown away with both the in-depth discussion and the art work produced. Each class looked at a different artist and developed their art skills in their sketch books. Can you name any of the artists that inspired their art work?
Art Week 2020 was a huge success! The children all had a chance to create artwork for our outdoor environment. We also had a visit from Sylvia from Eco Blooms who delivered workshops where the children had a chance to make recycled flowers. As you will see from the photos below, the children had a brilliant week and produced some amazing art.
Jelly fish had a wonderful afternoon creating natural art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
Periwinkle Class have had fun in DT making and using levers.
Cuttlefish Class have produced some wonderful Art and DT in their topic work on Egyptians.
Check out our amazing art club children.